12 november 2021
Participate to the next European Federation for Company Sport Conference in Brussels and online on Tuesday, November 16th (2.00 pm – 5.00 pm) in the framework of the HEMA project for the promotion of physical activity and active mobility for companies and the official launch of European certification for “active companies” created and developed by the WAC project. This conference is organised in the context of Erasmus + sport program, and co-funded by EU Commission. 
 An opportunity to exchange and debate on the future of workplaces and to learn more about initiatives and best practices to promote physical activity and mobility at work, in a context disrupted by the health crisis and organizational changes at the workplace. 
On the agenda: presentation
– of HEMA project’s outputs, started in January 2019 and that experienced the upheavals linked to the COVID health crisis, with the impacts of the transformation of working methods and the development of active mobility and especially the results of a survey conducted among employers and employees to identify major breaks for not practicing physical activity at work the official launch
– of WAC certification process for companies that act for the well-being of their employees by promoting physical activityexciting debates and exchanges with our experts and high level speakers.

 The conference is organized on site (Tour & Taxis – Herman Teirlinck Building – Av. du Port 88, Brussels) and remotely. Among the speakers: 
Philippe Paquay – Director-General Sport Vlaanderen 
Florencia Van Houdt – Head of Sport Unit at the EU Commission 
Yves Le Lostecque – Head of Erasmus Mundus & Sport Unit – EACEA 
Didier Besseyre – President of the European Federation for Company Sport 
 And different panel sessions including high level representatives from companies (Orange, Veolia, Regmatherm, ING…), World Health Organisation, the Federation of the European Sporting Goods Industry, the Confederation of Netherlands Industry and Employers, Coimbra University and European Cyclist Federation sharing their day to day experiences regarding sport, physical activity and mobility in a professional background.
