Restart of competitions autumn 2021

14 June 2021

Dear sports enthusiasts, BBO adepts,

As you have already heard through various media, the vaccinations around COVID-19 are going well and there are also relaxations coming up so that we can start planning the start of the competitions. Therefore, we would like to ask you to show your interest if you want to participate with your team in volleyball or indoor football for the coming season 21-22. Of course, this does not include a real registration yet, but it helps us with the planning. If the relaxation measures are reversed, we will of course not start up any competitions.

New for next year is that we will try as BBO to rent a hall (or rather a terrain) for the whole season which you can use so that you don’t have to search for halls yourself anymore. We will keep you informed about this initiative.

For indoor football, please register your interest via
For volleyball, please register your interest via

Keep it healthy and sporty in the meantime,
The BBO governing body